Christian Haaber Rasch


Special Consultant, MA in Journalism

Primary affiliation

Christian Haaber Rasch

Areas of expertise

  • Recruitment
  • Communication
  • Project Management
  • Counseling
  • Web development

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Communication, recruitment, project management, consultancy, and the good student life are the cornerstones of my work at Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences and AU as a whole. My overall focus is on recruiting the right students to our programmes, as well as ensuring relevant and intuitive communication for current students. I do this primarily as a communications specialist in close collaboration with departments, faculties, student associations, and other central sections at Aarhus University.

Job responsibilities

In Nat-Tech Studies Administration, I'm a part of the section Student Counselling and Study Information, including Team Project and Communication. In the team, we work with communication directed at potential and current students through websites and portals, social media, campaigns, user involvement, and coordination. Furthermore, I'm in charge of cross-cutting projects and committees, and I’m a part of various work and editorial groups across AU that deal with communication and recruitment on both a strategic and operational level.


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