Guidelines with examples

A new web domain will always be created as an alias (shortcut/redirect) to a page under the department web page to which the employee belongs, or to a page under one of AU's shared domains (, or the corresponding Danish).

Pages in AU-design

All pages are by default in AU-design. See the following three examples:

Alias / redirect

Landing page

Grant / collaboration

Villum Fonden Synergy grant shared between two employees at the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering respectively.

Villum Investigator grant from Villum Fonden to employee at Department of Biology.

Danish National Research Foundation grant to employee at Department of Physics and Astronomy. 

Option for neutral (non-AU) design

All pages are by default in AU-design. However, if you as an employee at Aarhus University represent an equal collaboration with one or more institutions outside AU, we can offer you a webpage in a neutral design. The webpage must still be a subpage to a department page or a subpage to one of AU's shared domains (, or the corresponding Danish).

Alias / redirect

Landing page

Grant / collaboration

The project is based on an EU grant and coordinated by an employee at the Danish Centre For Food And Agriculture.

A collaboration between Nordic and Baltic institutions, where coordinator is employed at Department of Agroecology.

IDA is a national center funded by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, where head of center is employed by The Department of Physics and Astronomy. 


The background for the guidelines for web domains at Nat and Tech is the minutes of Faculty Management Meeting No. 15 on November 24, 2016 (in Danish only):

”Dekanatet har 20. september besluttet at webdomæner som udgangspunkt skal høre under det institut/center, domænets ejer tilhører. Det er en praksis, der i forvejen gælder ved alle nye domæner. Beslutningen gælder derfor omkring 100 domæner, der er oprettet førend den nuværende praksis blev indført. Beslutningen berører institutternes webredaktører.”